Everyone’s life has a basis in spirituality. Of course, that is a personal perspective and spirituality means a different thing to every person. I am not speaking about religion as much as I am about the concept of spirituality or […]
Here we are back at the topic of budgeting. It’s a big part of our financial life planning process. All of our financial advice begins with budgeting, but there’s lots of bad advice out there. That’s the reason for this […]
Its been interesting to observe the number of people who are choosing to retire early as we work our way out of the pandemic as opposed to returning to work. I think Covid has caused everyone to reflect on their […]
I received a book I ordered through Indigo that I have been anxiously waiting for. Its called Once Around Algonquin by a friend named Kevin. Hs is one of my natural mentors. I opened the book and read the name […]
It is less than two weeks to Christmas. All the major shopping malls have been decked out in holiday splendour since Halloween. Yet many of us are just starting or still doing their Christmas shopping. As you are doing your […]
There’s nothing subtle about the appeals landing daily in our inboxes and mailboxes: “Please send your generous contribution today.” “Every gift counts.” “We’re counting on you to renew your support.” “You make a difference in the lives of….” They make […]
Did anyone notice that the earth seems to be continually spinning faster and faster? Or does it just feel that way? That’s the way we are living our lives. What’s the cause? While this is not a blog post relating […]
We’ve all heard of Freedom 55. The connotation is to hopefully be in a position to retire at the age of 55. I know a lot of people reading this right now would label this as wishful thinking. Well, just […]
Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday. Part of it is the changing season and the beautiful autumn colours. Instead of being about consumerism, like virtually every other holiday, Thanksgiving is about gratitude and family. Gratitude is something I write about a […]
Thanks to summer vacations, weddings and outdoor barbecues, it’s easy to take on unexpected debt from June through August. In fact, a majority of Canadians say they spend more money on socializing during the summer months than any other time. […]