
Sit back and relax. We're here to help.

Ready to plan for the life you want? Let's chat.

Our professionalism. Your peace of mind.

Find and follow your financial dreams.

Your Financial Life Planning Partner

Northern River Financial is an integrated financial life planning firm with over 25 years of building long-term trusting relationships. We partner with some of the largest brokerages and financial services firms in Ontario. We have the expertise to accommodate the needs and goals of both aspiring and seasoned clients.

Our vision is inspired by our deep-rooted philosophy to enhance and enrich the lives of our clients and their families through diligent life planning, exploring new opportunities, and providing prudent advice and integrated well-managed solutions.

Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, an established business, individual or family looking to customize and design a financial life plan, our strategies are built for one purpose; to incorporate your values and visions to ensure a secure and affluent future.

Northern River Financial is distinguished through a combination of our expertise, an established track record and a disciplined approach. We value intellectual capital, support exceptional talent, and foster high quality ideas providing our clients with the right financial solutions to help them achieve peace of mind.

We inspire people to live life today and plan for a better tomorrow. It’s all in #KeepingLifeCurrent.

At Northern River Financial, our relationships are proudly built on the foundations of tolerance, trust, truthfulness and transparency.

Take a journey with us and learn about the NORTHERN RIVER Financial difference. 

Our Perspective

The philosophy of Northern River Financial is based on trust and security. We say this with the utmost sincerity. Our goal is to put our clients’ needs first, before anything else, and to build honest professional relationships with each and every one of them. We are only content when our clients feel like they have been treated with respect, and are confident with the benefits and customer service that we have provided them with.

Northern River Financial aspires acumen. Success has given us the opportunity to partner with thousands of Canadians over the years, and has given us the ability to expand and to keep growing as a leading edge financial life planning firm.